The Fulfillment of ‘Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men’

The movie Annie tells the adventures of an orphan girl at the Hudson Street Home for Girls in New York City during the Great Depression. Miss Hannigan, the alcoholic 8 ball pool hack director of the home, makes life absolutely miserable for the girls under her charge. She forces them to scrub floors, sew fabric, peel potatoes, and wash the mildewed walls-all in the middle of the night. While cleaning the floors, Miss Hannigan yells, “These candy crush saga hack tool floors better shine like the top of candy crush saga hacks the Chrysler Building before breakfast, or your rear ends will!”

While all of the girls dream of being adopted to escape the dismal environment of the orphanage, Annie gets her escape when billionaire Oliver Warbucks decides to borrow her for a week to improve his public image. His secretary, Grace Farrell, 8 ball pool cheat tool retrieves Annie from the orphanage and escorts her to the mansion where the little girl can’t believe her eyes, as she takes in the immense floral displays, the massive balconies, the spiral staircases, and a full-length, stained-glass window on the ceiling. Annie feels like she has died and gone to heaven!

Though Annie thinks she was brought to the mansion to clean, Grace announces that she does not have to do any cleaning; she is a guest! While Annie is still smiling from that announcement, maids and butlers present themselves to her; and she discovers that one of them will pick out her clothes, another will draw her bath, and yet another will turn down her bed. This is a life far beyond anything the little girl has ever imagined. As the maids and butlers prepare the banquet table for an enormous feast, all Annie can say is, “I think I’m going to like it here!”

That will be the response of all who get a glimpse of the kingdom. They will see that it will line cookie run hack apk provide a life far beyond anything they had ever imagined, and they will, most likely, say to themselves something like, “I think I’m going to like it here!”

The coming kingdom will be far different from our world today. Only its arrival will bring the fulfillment of the angel’s announcement to the shepherds at the birth of Christ: “Peace on earth, good will toward men.”

One of the passages describing this fulfillment is Isaiah 11:1-16. Though this passage does not mention Him by name, Luke 1:31-33 reveals that the King in this passage is Jesus. 8 ball pool cheat tool Thus, Isaiah 11 pictures the rule of Jesus Christ after He returns to the earth in the future.

Isaiah shows that “the Spirit of the Lord” will be upon Jesus guiding and empowering Him in His future reign. The seven-fold description of the Spirit resting upon Jesus tells us that His rule will be far different from that candy crush saga hacks of other rulers in history; for His administration will completely reflect the perfect character of God.

Unlike any other government in the history wwe immortals of mankind, the administration of Jesus will be carried out with perfect justice. His government will grant the poor and those real racing 3 hack without power and authority (“the meek of the earth” in verse 4) complete equality. In addition, He will bring perfect justice upon the wicked.

Far different from the way nations of the earth are ruled today, Jesus will always do what is right (v 5). In the politics of nations today, rulers typically do what is expedient, or politically advantageous, for them. However, everyone in line cookie run hack the kingdom will be able to depend upon Jesus to do what is right in His rule.

Verses 6-8 further add to the presentation of “peace on earth, good will toward moviestarplanet hack free men” by picturing three pairings of animals. Each represents a current carnivorous animal with its prey, such as: the wolf and the lamb; the leopard and the young goat; and the young lion and the fatling, and the cow and the bear. These pairings illustrate the perfect harmony that will exist between the residents of the kingdom, including the creature realm.

There is no reason not to take this description in a literal sense. In fact, we would candy crush soda saga expect that the rule of Christ would bring with it a reversal of the curse upon the earth-a curse which has affected all of creation due to the sin of man. As Romans 8:19-21 points out, when the kingdom comes to the earth, creation “will be delivered from the bondage madden mobile hack of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God,” which means that the world will be freed from the curse of sin.

This is also the theme of the presentation of the nursing child play[ing] by the cobra’s hole, which also illustrates that candy crush saga hack residents of the kingdom will dwell in complete safety and security. Not only do we learn here that creation will be in complete harmony with people because of the removal of the curse from creation, but we also see that there will be no fear at all in the kingdom. This is partly due to the fact that no harm will come to humans from the animal kingdom. Furthermore, no harm will arise from other people, either.

As Isaiah 11 adds, there will be no wars or violence of any kind in the kingdom. No one will “hurt or destroy” in the kingdom. It will be an environment of perfect peace. This will be because “the earth shall candy crush saga cheat be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.”

Today, we do not yet see the angel’s declaration of “peace on earth, good will toward men.” But the Bible announces that it is coming. When Christ returns, He will establish the perfect rule of God on the planet. When that occurs, all those in the kingdom will finally experience their longing for that reality, certainly something to look forward to.

Doctoral work, Phoenix Seminary; Th.M., New Testament Greek, Dallas Theological Seminary; B.A., English, University of Northern Iowa